Bharathanatyam is a classical dance form of India. It is very ancient and finds its roots from South India. Natraja, is potrayed as the King of Dances."Bharatha" can be split into 3, meaning,Bha- Bhavam, which is also called Abhinayam-expressions, Ra- Ragam, which means Melody,and Tha - Thalam or Rythm. A dance that is a combination of the three- bha ra tha is nothing but Bharathanatyam.
Bharatha Muni is said to be the Father of Bharathanatyam. He is the author of "Natya Shastra" a treatise to Bharathanatyam. Bharathanatyam was prevelant during the period when Devadasi system waspracticed. "Deva "meaning "God"and "Dasi"meaning "One who Serves". This beautiful art was performed by the Devadasis only in temples. But today Bharthanatyam has a total new outlook.Apart from not just performing the various items, dancers of today very beautifully bring out community awarness programmes like AIDS AWARNESS, SOCIAL SERVICE, DOWRY CRIMES etc.
A short analysis of BHARATHA . "BHA" which means Bhavam has 9 kinds. We also call them "Navarasa"-Sringaram(Love),Hasyam(laughter),Karuna(pity),Roudra(Anger),Veeriyam Anger),Bhayanakam(Frightened),Bheebatsam(Despise),Adbutham(Surprised)and Shantham(Peace)."RA" meaning the melodies. There are so many songs based on a variety of Ragas. Indian Carnatic Music has 72 Melakartha Ragams or Janya Ragams of which many ragams emerge.These 72 ragas have all the 7 swaras -S R G M P D N in both the Aarovahanam and Avarohanam forms- that is music travelling from a lower wave to a higher wave and vice versa."Tha" meaning Thalam or rythm has 5 basic Nadais called Pancha Nadais or beats. They are Thisram(beats of 3) Chathusram (beats of 4) Khandam(betas of 5) Misram(beats of 7) and Sankeernam (beats of 9). There 7 basic thals also called Sapta thals -The Seven Talams are Dhruva, Matya, Rupaka, Jhampa, Triputa, Ata, and Eka Talams. A combination of these talams with the Nadais give rise to a 150 thalams.
Bharathanatyam is thus such a complex dance form. It atleast takes 5 to 6 years of rigourous training and practice to become a performer.Apart from the above said, we use 2 sets of hand gestures called Asamyutha hastas and Samyutha Hastas viz, single and double hand gestures,Drishti Bedha -eye movements and Neck and Head movements.
A full fledged Bharathanatyam recital would include Alarippu (Invocation/welcome song) Jatiswaram (An item comprising Raga(swaras) and Thala(Jathis), Kavithwam(Abhinayam and Jathis) Varnam(The longest item which has Jathis, Bhavam and Swaram. It lasts a minimum of 35-60 minutes).Then comes the lighter items like Padam, Javali and Thillana. Thillanas have real fast and quick beats which is followed by Mangalam or the finishing sequence of the concert.
Bharthanatyam, the classical dance of India is truly CLASSIC.
This is Meera signing off........ stay tuned....
Hi Meera its a nice article on bharatanatyam. I appreciate your efforts in writing the same. You Blog is very intresting, informative and updated. Great going friend...keep in touch
Hi Anjali,
Thank you so much for your comments.It really boosts my enthusiasm! Thanks again!
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