The whole world knows who Gandhiji is... and this blog is a tribute to the Great man who fought for the Independence of India, in a way nobody else could do..... The pioneer of Satyagraha, he led the freedom struggle in the path of "AHIMSA" or "Non-Violence".His principles inspired the people of India to fight against the British Supremacy in India. His Birthday is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanthi and is a National Holiday in our country. As a great honour to him, Oct 2 is also celebrated as the "International Day of Non-Violence".
Gandhiji inspired the Indians in South Africa and he employed his ideas of peaceful civil disobedience in them. When he came to India, he first communicated his ideas to the farmers and the people belonging to the lower grades of society. Once he joined the Indian National Congress, Gandhiji led the whole Nation towards the path of Indian Independence. He led the struggle through his famous Non-Co-operation movement, Salt Satyagraha or Dandi March9(1930), and the Quit India Movement(1942), after the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Gandhiji fought for "Swaraj"-Independence of India from foreign rule.
Apart from this, he also was the leader for various nation wide campaings that supported the ideas of Universal Brotherhood, Liberation of Women, Self-Sufficiency of India,and fought against Untouchability, which in India is a punishable crime. He said "Harijans" were the children of God and that they had equal rights like any other human.
Gandhiji also evoked the Principles of "Truth". He says,"Truth is God". He has also emphasised that the most difficult battle to fight is thte battle of overcoming our fears,insecurites and the demon residing within us. Gandhian principles also include Non-Violence, Simplicity, Vegetarianism,and Faith .He has written many books- My experiments with Truth,Satyagraha in South Africa,Hind Swaraj and many more.Gandhiji has inspired other great leaders lile Martin Luther King who fought against racial discrimination.
Bapuji ,as we dearly call him was assainated on January 30 1948, by Nathuram Godse. When Bapuji died, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru sopke these words on the radio.
"Friends and comrades, the light has gone out of our lives, and there is darkness everywhere, and I do not quite know what to tell you or how to say it. Our beloved leader, Bapu as we called him, the father of the nation, is no more. Perhaps I am wrong to say that; nevertheless, we will not see him again, as we have seen him for these many years, we will not run to him for advice or seek solace from him, and that is a terrible blow, not only for me, but for millions and millions in this country."
According to his wish, the majority of Gandhi's ashes were immersed in some of the world's major rivers, such as The Nile,Volga,Thames,etc. A small portion was sent to Paramahansa Yogananda from Dr. V.M. Nawle, (a publisher and journalist from India) encased in a brass & silver coffer. The ashes were then enshrined at the Mahatma Gandhi World Peace Memorial in the "Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine"within a thousand-year-old stone sarcophagus from China.
Here are a few quotes of Gandhiji.
"The removal of untouchability is one of the highest expressions of ahimsa."
" True ahimsa should mean a complete freedom from ill-will and anger and hate and an overflowing love for all."
" No power on earth can subjugate you when you are armed with the sword of ahimsa. It ennobles both the victor and the vanquished."
" God is conscience. He is even the atheism of the atheist."
Bapuji, though not with us today, his life, principles,will remain evergreen in our memories. We as the children of India would strive to fulfill the dreams of Gandhi's India in what ever way we can. "Mahatma Gandhi ki Jay!"
This is Meera signing off........ Jai Hind!
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